Complaints Handling Procedures
- Hits: 11310
Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) is the Regulator of the Electricity Supply Industry. ERA is a quasi-government body that regulates the generation, transmission, distribution, sale and import of electricity in Uganda.
ERA derives her mandate from the Electricity Act of 1999, cap 145. In accordance with section 79 (3) of the Act, ERA is required to handle complaints made by electricity consumers in relation to electricity services provided by electricity companies.
The Complaints Handling Procedures therefore layouts the steps followed by the Authority while handling consumer complaints.
Our complaints procedure aims to:
- Provide a service with simple steps and clear responsibilities;
- Make sure that you know who to complain to at ERA if you are dissatisfied with answers from the electricity company;
- Sort out your complaints quickly;
- Get full answers from the electricity company whether or not it is at fault;
- Tell you how your complaint is progressing;
- Tell you how the outcome and reasons for our decisions after we have investigated your complaint; and
- Tell you what you should do if you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your complaint.
When dealing with complaints we also aim to:
- Use what we learn to increase customer protection; and
- Monitor how satisfied customers are with our service and identity ways of improving it.
Click for Detailed Complaints Handling Procedures